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Long Term Vision

The PURPOSE CENTER(S) will serve as the central onsite resource center to help further the mission of the foundation.

The PURPOSE CENTER will offer training and development for at-risk youth and their parents.

The PURPOSE CENTER will assist with subsidized housing and other material needs for at-risk youth and their parents/caretakers.


We work to assist those parents for whom a self-sustaining lifestyle is beyond their abilities.

The Purpose Center Road Map

The Province Foundation will secure/raise funding for building the PURPOSE CENTERS. 2 Phase Approach…

The 1st PHASE for building PURPOSE CENTERS will be to target large metropolitans (based on population data) in the South Central Province – Nashville, first;

Louisville, second; Memphis, third; all three break ground by 2026.

2nd PHASE for smaller cities/counties throughout the Province is 2027.
Goal is to have a PURPOSE CENTER in every city (based on population data) throughout the Province by 2028.